Young Volodya
In a quiet village, there lived a young boy named Volodya. He was twelve years old and full of curiosity about the world. Volodya lived with his parents and his little sister, Anya. They had a small house near a big, beautiful forest where Volodya loved to play.
One sunny afternoon, Volodya was sitting under a tree, reading a book. He loved reading stories about adventures and faraway lands. As he turned the pages, he imagined himself as the brave hero, exploring new places and meeting new people.
Suddenly, Volodya heard a rustling sound in the bushes nearby. He looked up and saw a little bird with a hurt wing. The bird was struggling to fly.
"Poor thing," Volodya said softly. He carefully approached the bird and gently picked it up. "Don't worry, I'll help you."
Volodya took the bird home and showed it to his mother. "Mama, this bird is hurt. Can we help it?"
His mother smiled and nodded. "Of course, Volodya. Let's make a little nest for it and take care of it until it gets better."
Volodya and his mother made a small nest out of a box and soft cloth. They placed the bird inside and gave it food and water. Every day, Volodya checked on the bird, making sure it was comfortable and safe.
As the days passed, the bird began to heal. Its wing grew stronger, and soon it was able to flutter around the room. Volodya was overjoyed to see the bird getting better.
One morning, Volodya decided it was time to let the bird go. He took the bird outside and held it in his hands. "You are free now," he whispered. "Fly back to your home."
The bird chirped happily and flew out of Volodya's hands. It soared high into the sky, and Volodya watched it until it disappeared.
Volodya felt a sense of pride and happiness. He had helped a small creature in need, and it made him realize the importance of kindness and compassion.
Moral :
In the end, it wasn't just the adventure stories in books that mattered to Volodya. It was the real-life acts of kindness and the connections he made with the world around him. Volodya learned that helping others brought a special kind of joy, one that filled his heart with warmth and love.
For those interested in the original story that inspired this one, you can read [Volodya by Anton Chekhov].